2023 Canada Winter Games Evan vs Gassan Gold


 All our tournaments are FREE to watch!! Come out and check out the action!!

For more details contact the Tournament Co-ordinator Cary Hollett (tournament@karatens.org)

All karateka in KNS and other associations under the Karate Canada and WKF are entitled to compete at Karate Nova Scotia sanctioned tournaments. The tournaments are organized for all those interested in competing. Tournaments allow those interested, to compare their skill with other folks in the province, and outside the province, to see how their individual training is going. For others it is another aspect of Karate that keeps the training interesting. For the younger ones it is a chance to introduce them to the competitive and sport side of Karate. It is also a venue that is used to annually select our Provincial Karate Team to represent Nova Scotia at the Canadian Championships.  

We follow the WKF rules with some minor changes found here: KNS Competition Rule Set

Coaching requirements for tournaments:

Karate Nova Scotia will be implementing new coaching requirements to be able to coach at KNS Sanctioned Tournaments (Grand Prixs, Atlantics, etc.). The implementation will be a multi year process, starting with getting all coaches taking basic coaching courses:

1) At the start of the 2023/24 Grand Prix season and every season thereafter, all coaches must be wear a club jacket/hoodie or a Provincial Coach jacket, track pants and sneakers.

2) Starting from the 2023/24 season onward, all coaches much have at a minimum the Make Ethical Decisions (MED) course and evaluation, Making Headway in Sports and Safe Sport Training.

For those needing to attain these courses, here are your paths:

Making Ethical Decisions – this is a free course, and NS Coaches can see the next offerings here: https://www.coachingns.com/nccp-online-virtual-learning

Making Headway in Sports – this is a free course, and you can do online here: https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#MHW-SP-E

Safe Sports Training – this is a free course, and you can do online here: https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#SS


    • Novice is any athlete who has just started karate; has up to one year of training; has graded 2 or less times within their karate style; no dan ranks permitted.
    • Intermediate is any athlete 1 to 3 years of training; has 3 to 6 grading’s within their karate style; no dan ranks permitted.
    • Advanced is any athlete with 3 plus years of training; 7 plus gradings.
    • Elite is for any competitor on or trying out for any Provincial Karate Team, or for those who wish to compete at higher level.


Ninja Turtle (Ages: 5 to 8) – Meant to be a fun introduction to Kumite without contact. This is offered to give the kids who do not compete in Kumite a fun event to compete in.  Sometimes known as Flag Kumite.
Kata (Ages: 5 and up)  – This is for individuals to compete with each other without contact. They show the routines or Kata’s that they learn in their dojo’s and they are judged on understanding of technique, stance, KIME, focus, timing, speed, and balance. The ability to tell a story through their movements, convince the judges that there is a real opponent.
Team Kata (Ages: 5 and up) – This allows competitors to get three students together and show how they can think as one. The judges are looking for uniformity and the same qualities as above in the Kata. These are three person teams with one person named as the captain.
Para – This allows competitors to compete where competition rules have been established in order to accommodate fair competitions among athletes with disabilities.
Kumite (Ages: 7 and up) – This is where karateka compete one on one in an elimination format. There is a whole point system that allows competitors to score one, two or three points. One point is scored when a technique is scored by the hands on a valid scoring area. Two points are scored if you Kick someone to the body above the waist but below the head; if you were to punch someone to the back of the head after you have taken them off balance; cleanly score with a combination of punches. Three points are scored for kicks to the head or proper sweeps and takedowns. These are very vague descriptions of points. There is a lot more detail and different scenarios that can be learned in your dojo.
Sample Blank Draw Sheets for modified repecharge