The Support4Sport Sport Awards provides KNS the opportunity to recognize the stellar contributions of the Athletes, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers and Sponsors of our association. These awards have had previous sponsors in the past such as RICHON and IKON.
The KNS Awards Committee provides the submissions to Sports NS for the awards that the committee deem appropriate for the year. We may not submit a nominee for every award, only those that we feel are a results of the past years activities.
Eligibility timeline: Accomplishments must have taken place between April 1st until Mar 31st (i.e. Apr. 1, 2023, Mar. 31, 2024 for the 2024 Awards).
Nominations close: April 1st (Yearly)
If you have any concerns about the awards structure, nomimantions for use to consider or if you recognize errors in award recipients, please let us know at
Two Streams: There are two streams for nominations- the Provincial Sport Organization Stream and the Support4Sport Overall Award Stream. It is very important that each nominee is only nominated through one stream. Please note that Sport Nova Scotia does not have the ability to modify nominations once they have been submitted, so please take your time when
filling out the forms.
Support4Sport Overall Award Stream
This stream is for candidates who you would like to be selected as the automatic winner for your provincial sport organization, AND to be put in the running for an overall Support4Sport Award (amongst all sports).
Provincial Sport Organization Award Stream
This stream is for candidates who you would like to be selected ONLY as the automatic winner for your provincial sport organization.
*The criteria for each category are below.
Coach of the Year:
- This individual is considered an elite manager of talent and/or developer of talent with his/her sport.
- Nominations are accepted only from member provincial sport organizations (PSOs). Individual members, recreation directors and sport media are encouraged to contact their PSO directly with suggested nominations. The PSO president or a signing authority of the PSO must endorse the nomination.
- One nomination will be accepted per sport. The nominee selected by each PSO should represent the best candidate in that sport. If more than one nomination is submitted in a category from a single PSO, they will be returned and the PSO will be responsible for submitting only one by the deadline.
- The nominee must be considered “normally” a resident of Nova Scotia who has contributed to the development of the Nova Scotia sport system.
- The nominee must presently coach Nova Scotian or Canadian athletes in a club, provincial, national and/or international level competition. High school and/or post-secondary school coaches do not qualify.
- The nominee must hold a minimum of NCCP Comp Intro certification.
- Both paid and unpaid coaches are eligible for this award.
Community Sport Organization:
- This award recognises community sport organizations for the incredible work they do to deliver sport opportunities to Nova Scotians. The award highlights the individuals and teams that make it all happen. They strive for excellence in how they operate, how they collaborate, innovate, lead, and, in some cases, use sport as a tool to create positive social change.
- All Sport Nova Scotia member provincial sport organizations (PSOs) will have the opportunity to select one community sport organization who will be honoured at the Support4Sport Awards.
- Nominations are accepted only from member provincial sport organizations. Individual members, recreation directors and sport media are encouraged to contact their PSO directly with suggested nominations. The PSO president or someone with signing authority must endorse the nomination.
- Each selection must be accompanied by documentation of the organization’s achievements (Since they are not a “nominee”).
- One selection will be accepted per sport. If there is more than one submission from a single PSO, the information will be returned and the PSO will be invited to choose/submit only one by the deadline.
Eligibility & Selection Criteria
- The organization must be a member of its national sport organization and Sport Nova Scotia during the past year.
- This award is based on accomplishments in successful hosting initiatives, programming innovation, strong management and/or administration and creating progressive programs for athletes, coaches and volunteers. The sport organization approaches both participation and competition with equal commitment.
- This award is for a sport governing body and not an individual. Provincial sport organizations are encouraged to nominate themselves; however, any member of Sport Nova Scotia can also advance nominations. Additionally, a PSO can nominate a club or affiliate organization that has demonstrated organizational excellence.
Junior Female Athlete of the Year | Junior Male Athlete of the Year:
- This award is presented annually to Nova Scotia’s outstanding junior female / male athlete. This individual possesses the qualities associated with performance excellence and sport achievement.
- Athletes can compete either individually or in team events.
- Nominations are accepted only from member provincial sport organizations (PSOs). Individual members, recreation directors and sport media are encouraged to contact their PSO directly with suggested nominations. The PSO president or a signing authority of the PSO must endorse the nomination.
- One nomination will be accepted per sport. The nominee selected by each PSO should represent the best candidate in that sport. If more than one nomination is submitted in a category from a single PSO, the nominations will be returned and the PSO will be responsible for submitting only one by the deadline.
- The junior category is for outstanding athletes under the age of 20 who competed in a developmental or age group category event. U23 and U21 events count as long as the athlete was under the age of 20 at the time of the competition.
- Accompanying results from an open competition (over 21) will only be considered as supporting information for the overall decision about the nominee’s standing compared to their competitors.
- The nominee must be considered “normally” a resident of Nova Scotia who has developed within the Nova Scotia sport system. Athletes who have left the province for temporary training or scholastic reasons and consider Nova Scotia their primary residence will be eligible if they meet the additional criteria.
- The nominee must be a member of, or endorsed by, their provincial sport organization or its member organizations and represent Nova Scotia as a member of a club, provincial or national team in competition.
- Achievements from high school or post-secondary events will not be considered in the selection process. However, times or records recognized by a provincial sport organization will be considered.
- Please Note: Professional athletes are eligible as long as the performance takes place at an International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, or International Federation sanctioned event.
Official of the Year:
- This award is presented annually to Nova Scotia’s premiere official. This individual demonstrates dedication to leadership, contributions to local sport development, and is seen as an advocate for fair play and ethical behaviour in the sport.
- Nominations are accepted only from provincial sport organizations (PSOs). Individual members, recreation directors and sport media are encouraged to contact their PSO directly with suggested nominations. The PSO president or a signing authority of the PSO must endorse the nomination.
- One nomination will be accepted per sport. The nominee selected by each PSO should represent the best candidate in that sport. If more than one nomination is submitted in a category from a single PSO, the nominations will be returned and the PSO will be responsible for submitting only one by the deadline.
- The nominee must be considered “normally” a resident of Nova Scotia who has contributed to the development of the Nova Scotia sport system.
- The nominee must presently officiate Nova Scotian or Canadian competitions in a club, provincial, national and/or international level competition. High school and/or post-secondary school officials do not qualify.
- Both paid and unpaid officials are eligible for this award.
Senior Female Athlete of the Year | Senior Male Athlete of the Year:
- This award is presented annually to Nova Scotia’s outstanding female / male athlete. This individual possesses the qualities associated with performance excellence and sport achievement.
- Athletes can compete either individually or in team events.
- Nominations are accepted only from member provincial sport organizations (PSOs). Individual members, recreation directors and sport media are encouraged to contact their PSO directly with suggested nominations. The PSO president or a signing authority of the PSO must endorse the nomination.
- One nomination will be accepted per sport. The nominee selected by each PSO should represent the best candidate in that sport. If more than one nomination is submitted in a category from a single PSO, the nominations will be returned and the PSO will be responsible for submitting only one by the deadline.
- The senior category is for any athlete who competed in open age group competitions.
- The nominee must be considered “normally” a resident of Nova Scotia who has developed within the Nova Scotia sport system. Athletes who have left the province for temporary training or scholastic reasons and consider Nova Scotia their primary residence will be eligible if they meet the additional criteria.
- The nominee must be a member of, or endorsed by, their provincial sport organization or its member organizations and represent Nova Scotia as a member of a club, provincial or national team in competition.
- Achievements from high school or post-secondary events will not be considered in the selection process. However, times or records recognized by a provincial sport organization will be considered.
- Please Note: Professional athletes are eligible as long as the performance takes place at an International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, or International Federation sanctioned event.
Corporate Sponsor of the Year:
- The Corporate Sponsor Awards are presented annually to Nova Scotia corporations that have contributed to the development of sport in Nova Scotia.
- Each Sport Nova Scotia member provincial sport organization (PSO) has the opportunity to select one corporate sponsor who will be honoured at the Support4Sport Awards. Each PSO’s selection will be recognized.
- Selections are accepted only from member provincial sport organizations (PSOs). The PSO president or a signing authority of the PSO must endorse the selection.
- One selection will be accepted per sport. If more than one selection is submitted in a category from a single PSO, the forms will be returned and the PSO will be responsible for submitting only one by the deadline.
- Please note that the biographies that appear in the evening’s program will be written based on this information.
Eligibility & Selection Criteria
- Responsibility of each provincial sport organization.
- Guidelines – A corporation that has had productive corporate involvement in sport, in one or more of the following categories:
- A corporation that has been particularly innovative in supporting sport through donations of money, goods or loaned personnel;
- A corporation that, within its own community, has been a leader in supporting sport and fitness. Such support may be through financial aid, employee involvement or other corporate services; and/or
- A corporation that has provided sustained corporate involvement over several years in sport and/or fitness.
Sport Makes a Difference:
- Any individual, group, organization, committee or similar body that creates, establishes or initiates an innovative program, competition or event, or demonstrates an outstanding example of fair play, is eligible for this award. Nominees do not need formal provincial sport organization (PSO) membership. Nominees for this award must be nominated by a PSO, must be compatible with the values and mission of Sport Nova Scotia, and be in good standing with member organizations. This award is based solely on the Advancement of leading edge thinking that results in an improved sport system for Nova Scotians, and/or where exceptional merit has been demonstrated.
Eligibility & Selection Criteria
- The selection committee makes its decision based solely upon the information you provide. Please assist the committee by ensuring that the nomination is accurate, succinct and as complete as possible.
Team of the Year:
- This award is presented annually to Nova Scotia’s outstanding sport team.
- Nominations are accepted only from member provincial sport organizations (PSOs). Individual members, recreation directors and sport media are encouraged to contact their PSO directly with suggested nominations. The PSO president or a signing authority of the PSO must endorse the nomination.
- One nomination will be accepted per sport. The nominee selected by each PSO should represent the best candidate in that sport. If two or more nominations are submitted in a category from a single PSO, they will be returned and the PSO will be responsible for submitting only one by the deadline.
- The team consists of two or more people competing simultaneously as a single entity in an event for the same award. Sports that include team elements such as pairs, crews, relays, doubles, triples, fours, eights, etc. are eligible. Please note, nominations where individual results have been tabulated for a team award are not eligible.
- The members of the nominated team must all be considered “normally” residents of Nova Scotia who have developed within the Nova Scotia sport system. Athletes who have left the province for temporary training or scholastic reasons and consider Nova Scotia their primary residence will be eligible if they meet the additional criteria.
- Teams must be members of, or endorsed by, their provincial sport organization or its member organizations and represent Nova Scotia in competition.
- Achievements from high school or post-secondary events will not be considered in the selection process. However, times or records recognized by a provincial sport organization will be considered.
Volunterr of the Year:
- Each Sport Nova Scotia member Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) has the opportunity to select one (1) volunteer who will be honoured at the Support4Sport Awards. Each PSO’s winner will be recognized.
- Nominations are accepted only from member Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs). The PSO president or a signing authority of the PSO must endorse the selection.
- Each selection must be accompanied by documentation of the winner’s achievements and/or rationale for being selected. Please note that the biographies that appear in the evening’s program will be written based on this information.
- One selection will be accepted per sport. The PSO selection should represent the best candidate in that sport. If more than one selection is submitted in a category from a single PSO, the forms will be returned and the PSO will be responsible for submitting only one by the deadline.
- Responsibility of each provincial sport organization.